Topic outline
General news and announcements in each course are found in this General area. When you click the General Forum, you'll be able to read the announcement, post a comment, discuss with other students generally about the specific course you're taking.
A Forum is simply a place for announcements and/or discussion. It can be used for instructors and admin to post announcements about the International Institute of Genealogical Studies such as the Main Forum, a smaller general announcement area for a course or certificate program, or an assignment tool to allow specific assignment student discussions. Forums are always orange because you interact with the tool on our site.
Only teachers and admin can post to an announcement forum while regular forums are available to all.
This is how you add your answers starting with a public assignment that acts like a class discussion. Watch this 9-minute video for both the visual and the tips beyond posting. These links will open in a new page. So come on back when finished to continue.