The International
Institute of Genealogical Studies is a full trade school program
with graduate certificates awarding a post nominal credential for
completing the full program. Post nominals are earned when a full
certification program with country records, methodology, and
electives are completed as designated below.
PLCGS is the credentialed acronym for Professional Learning Certificate Genealogical Studies.
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Read on for the certificate requirements and how to earn your professional credentials:
Methodology certification requires successfully complete 15 compulsory credits. This is the foundational science for ALL genealogists. Also excellent for continuing education credentials. All certificates with PLCGS require these courses. Combine with one of the records group certificates below and the remaining credits to the PLCGS credential are electives you choose. We suggest using your electives to take an additional certificate giving you even more expertise to share with clientele. Starting in 2025, there will be 15 Methodology compulsory courses with one being added to the intermediate level. All certificates combining for the PLCGS credentials will be adjusted for those who have not completed the intermediate level of Methodology before 1 Jan 2025. Mentoring professors are Brenda Wheeler, PLCGS, and Cheryl Levy, PLCGS.
American Records
Resources for all states in the United States of America are covered. To receive your Certificate in Genealogical Studies-American Records you must successfully complete 14 American courses, 14 Methodology courses for 28 Compulsory credits plus 12 additional Elective credits.
Once all requirements are successfully completed, you will be awarded the post nominals PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies).
Australian Records
The Australian Department is under the guidance of Brenda Wheeler, PLCGS. She is a professional genealogist, author, speaker, and researcher. All resources for all states will be covered.To receive your Certificate in Genealogical Studies-Australian Records you must successfully complete 14 Methodology courses, 11 Australian courses equaling 25 Compulsory credits plus 15 Elective credits. Once you successfully complete all the requirements, you will be awarded the post nominals PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies).
Canadian Records
Susanna de Groot, PLCGS and Cheryl Levy, PLCGS are directors of the Canadian Department. They are professional genealogists, researchers, authors, and lecturers. All resources for provinces and territories will be covered. To receive your Certificate in Genealogical Studies-Canadian Records you must successfully complete 14 Methodology courses, 16 Canadian courses to equal 30 Compulsory credits plus 10 Elective credits. Once you successfully complete all the requirements, you will be awarded the post nominals PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies).
DNA and Genetic Genealogy
Under the supervision of Claire Bradley, MA, Sue de Groot, PLCGS, and Angela Breidenbach, Exec. Director.. To receive your Certificate in DNA & Genetic Genealogy you must successfully complete 4 Methodology courses and 11 DNA courses to equal 15 Compulsory credits. NOTE: If you've already completed your Methodology certificate with the International Institute of Genealogical Studies, then you only need the remaining 11 courses. The system does remember and will not require you to take the courses a second time. The 4 Methodology courses are: Methodology 1, 2, 3, and Genetic and Medical Family History. This certificate is excellent for continuing education credentials as well as starting a new career while you continue education. PLCGS post nominals are only earned if a full country records and methodology program have been completed as well.
Eastern European Records
The Eastern European Department is under the guidance of Lisa Alzo. She is a professional genealogist, author, speaker and researcher. Resources for all geographical area will be covered. To receive your Certificate in Genealogical Studies-Eastern European Records you must successfully complete 14 Methodology courses, 11 Eastern European courses to equal 25 Compulsory credits plus 15 Elective credits. Once you successfully complete all the requirements, you will be awarded the post nominals PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies).
English Records
Under the supervision of Brenda Wheeler, PLCGS, the record courses for the English Department will naturally cover the records of England. When appropriate, the records of Wales and the Common Wealth will be included. To receive your Certificate in Genealogical Studies-English Records you must successfully complete 14 Methodology courses, 13 English courses to equal 27 Compulsory credits plus 13 Elective credits. Once you successfully complete all the requirements, you will be awarded the post nominals PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies).
German Records
All resources will be covered. To receive your Certificate in Genealogical Studies-German Records you must successfully complete 14 Methodology courses, 12 German courses to equal 26 Compulsory credits plus 14 Elective credits. Once you successfully complete all the requirements, you will be awarded the post nominals PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies).
Irish Records
Claire Bradley, MA, is the Irish Department chair. She is a professional genealogist, author, speaker, and researcher based in Dublin, Ireland. The record courses for the Irish Department include the records of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. To receive your Certificate in Genealogical Studies-Irish Records you must successfully complete 14 Irish Courses and 14 Methodology courses to equal 28 Compulsory credits plus 12 Elective credits. Once you successfully complete all the requirements, you will be awarded the post nominals PLCGS (Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies).
Italian Records
Under the supervision of Melanie D. Holtz and Pamela J. Vittorio,, the basic Italian and part of the intermediate Italian certificate are complete. The advanced certificate program IS NOT complete, but is in process now. The BASIC level is complete and should be the only level purchased at this time. This certificate will need 14 Methodology courses and 11 Italian courses to equal 25 compulsory plus 15 electives to earn the post nominal credentials, PLCGS, when this program is completed. Melanie is currently finishing course writing for intermediate and advanced courses. The basic and part of the intermediate are excellent continuing education credits as we fill out this wonderful country records group.
The Librarianship Department was created by Patricia Moseley Van Skaik and George Morgan, both professional librarians, authors, and speakers. This is a completely self-driven program. To receive your Certificate in Genealogical Studies-Librarianship you must successfully complete 10 Compulsory credits and 2 Elective credits. This program will be of benefit to those who have a basic understanding of genealogy and who are involved in the genealogical collection of their library. Excellent for continuing education requirements.This is the only program that awards the credentials PLCGS as a post nominal without the full Methodology 14-course certificate. But, experience as a working librarian, docent, or genealogy society librarian is important to successful achievement in these courses.
Personal Historian
Professional Genealogists with a specialty as Personal Historians preserve the stories and lives of their clients. If you love the story side of genealogy, this certificate program is for you. Wisdom, life and business experience, family traditions, and more are told through the eyes of the person with the help of a professional genealogist. Learn to use interview, photography, video, research, writing, heirloom preservation, storytelling techniques, and additional specialties. In the lucrative career as a professional personal historian, you work with individuals, families, organizations, businesses, historical places to tell their story. This program includes 25 courses (22 compulsory and 3 electives chosen from a suggested list or any other) to graduate as a credentialed Personal Historian. Flexible to meet your schedule. Finish faster or take your time, it's up to you. If you love the story side of genealogy, this certificate program earning your professional Personal Historian credentials is for you.
Professional Development
The Professional Development Certificate is under the guidance of Angela Breidenbach, PLCGS, and Executive Director of the International Institute of Genealogical Studies. She is a professional genealogist, author, and speaker. To receive your Professional Development Certificate you must successfully complete 32 compulsory courses and 8 elective courses. In order to earn the PLCGS credentials, you must also complete one of the country records certificates. Electives may be used toward country records certificates. This program benefits those who wish to pursue a career in genealogy, create a genealogy business, or augment income potential by adding niche areas to their business plan. Skill-building courses are of high importance in this certificate to ensure quality results as a professional researcher running a business. You may also choose any of these courses as electives for other certificates. These courses help educate an entrepreneurial genealogist who wants to build a business.
Scottish Records
Under the dirextion of Morag Peers, this certificate program is partially complete. The BASIC level is complete as are a few of the intermediate level. There are courses in the Intermediate and Advanced level that remain to be completed. You will successfully complete 40 courses to earn your PLCGS post nominal. These courses can be used as electives enriching other certificates as well.
Nearly all of the courses offered at the International Institute of Genealogical Studies can be taken as electives and/or independently. We suggest making a free student advising appointment to discuss any prerequisites needed as not all electives or courses are basic level.
**Most certificate programs require at least 40 courses to earn the PLCGS post nominal credential. There are a few exceptions. For individual questions, please call 800-580-0165 or post a note in the chat app, (bottom right corner) for personal student advising. We respond Monday - Friday as quickly as possible. Please share the number you'd like us to call you back, name, certificate of interest. Your information is not used for any other purpose than to answer your questions. We do not spam or add you to marketing lists and we do not sell your information. We look forward to having you in class.