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Course image Analysis and Skills Mentoring Program-Part 2
Course Summary:
Contact Hours: 36
Grading Scale: 30% Tests/70% Assignments
DISCONTINUED IN 2022NOTE: This course requires compulsory materials to be ordered. Please click on the Supplies tab for details.

The Analysis and Skills Mentoring Program has been designed to promote the quality of the work that every family historian and genealogist alike should strive to achieve. Do not limit your level of excellence by assuming that this program is not relevant to your specific projects.

Analysis & Skills Mentoring Program-Part 2 is a continuation of the teaching, testing and consulting method. This part of the program will focus on the subjects addressed in your Intermediate Level studies. By now you will be familiar with the reading materials covered in the previous course and you will continue to refer to these materials. This course will include required reading from Mastering Genealogical Proof, by Thomas W. Jones.

Please remember that since students are studying various courses or the records of various countries we have prepared the cases and data to be as generic as possible. You will find many names, dates and places to be strictly fictitious. We advise you to complete any other Basic level courses you are registered in, before starting this one.

The course’s assignments/projects will be reviewed by an instructor. Feedback will be provided during two individual consultation appointments. Discussing the assignments you have completed and receiving advice regarding the appropriateness and quality of your assignment answers is an integral part of this practical program.

Please be aware that although this is a 52-week course, it simply means that you will have up to one year from the date you start the course to complete and submit all the assignments and the private one-on-one consultations. Once you have scheduled your start date for this course, it is advised you make every effort to schedule your time to work towards completing the course’s required reading, assignments, attend the Virtual Meetings, and consultations with an instructor.

If this course is included in a registered package, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself, from the beginning, with the requirements for completing this course. As you work your way through the other courses in your package, this will heighten your awareness of the relevance of the knowledge required to successfully complete the Analysis and Skills Mentoring Program.

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