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Course image Research: Native American Ancestors
Course Summary: Archived
PLEASE NOTE: This course is classified as a ''Short Term Intensive'' course because it was acquired from a third party. For that reason, we cannot provide a credit value in the Genealogical Studies program for this course. We are in the process of converting all courses acquired from this third party to ''full credit'' courses. Unfortunately, we are having difficulty finding an expert with the time required to complete this work for this course. If you know someone who may qualify, please let us know.

This course will look at what resources you have may have used in the past and see how that may help you get started with your Native American research. We will cover many different resources that you may not have known existed when you began searching for your Native American ancestors. We will start by focusing on the different tribes, such as the Five Civilized Tribes, Early Eastern Tribes, Tribes of the Plains, California Indians, Indians of the Pacific Northwest, and finally the Métis and the First People of Canada. Each lesson has a different tribal focus providing a variety of sources.

Four ''Live Online Meetings'' will be offered during this course.

This course does not qualify as a Certificate course in the Certificate in Genealogical Studies program. It does not have required assignments to submit or an exam to complete.

Although this course is indicated as 6 week, you will have access to the instructor only during the first four weeks. The materials will be available to you for an additional two weeks.

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